You're Invited

In about a week, I'll be showing some of my work in the open studio event
for the SVA Summer Residency in photography. It'll be all new stuff.
Thursday 8/4, 6–9pm
I'll be in the Westside Gallery, 141 W. 21 Street, ground floor. Painting
will be shown on the 4th and 6th floors of the same building, and sculpture
and public art will be at 30 W. 17 St.
Last Night

[Invoke function] ing2ed('red tape');

Washington Square living room

Eréna Mastrangeli at The Bitter End

Looking good (sort of)
La Cie has announced a new
LCD monitor with a ‘CRT-grade color gamut.’ The monitor comes
with a hood
and calibration software. It costs $200 more than Apple's 20" monitor, and
less than the 23" Cinema HD screen – the form factor I'd really like.
I wonder
if they'll come out with a larger version...
Now, the fine print... The monitor can be rotated
to portrait mode, a real plus for soft-proofing vertical-format photographs
at high resolution, but you need a graphics card such as the ATI Radeon x800
to support it. In the
you have
to buy the
colorimeter separately, making the bundled blue eye pro calibration software
little more than promotional material.

That's just ugly.
7x So Charming
It's all over for Lance. He's stepping down. A gracious speech in English, but
he explained that '... my French is not good enough,' and closed with 'Vive
Le Tour forever.'
The sportscasters are already speculating about next year. Ullrich vs. Basso?
...plainclothes police chased him into a subway car, pinned him to the
ground and shot him about five times in the head and torso. ...
When I read the first reports of this story, I thought something was wrong.
Witnesses had said that the guy looked frightened, like a cornered animal.
That's not what
I would expect from a suicide bomber. There was no mention of explosives –
the implication being that something threatening (a bomb?) must have been hidden under that padded coat – in
of the reports, either.
I don't think the first reports mentioned that the police officers were plainclothes.
A Brazilian national 'accidentally' killed by nervous plainclothes policemen...
raises the specter of one Amadou Diallo here in the USA.
And in our own NYC subways:
Effective July 22, 2005
Backpacks and other containers are subject to random search by the police.
– Handwritten sign on a token booth whiteboard