Friday, November 14, 2003
Happy Birthday, Kev!

Finally saw “Lost in Translation” last night.
It's the kind of film that reminds you that not every movie maker is out chasing
the next popcorn blockbuster,
that there is more than one way to tell a story, and that good films with
surface value still get made. It's a slow and subtle film with delicate tensions.
I suspect there are a lot of things to be picked up in a second viewing. Thank
goodness for Soffia and Francis Ford Coppola.

It's pronounced “say.”

Speaking of music, I spotted a place that features karaoke
suites yesterday. Karaoke clubs are still popular in spots around the city,
but private suites? Then, wouldn't you know it, a karaoke suite was one of
the settings featured in “Lost
in Translation?”
that was
is New York.
Alien: The Director's Cut is playing in Union Square. Might
have to go. The print's been cleaned-up, and there is new footage. Ridley's
re-cut of “Blade
Runner” was an improvement. I figure he's got a few tricks up his sleeve this
time, too.
Things Break: Understanding the World by the Way It Comes Apart sounds
like an intriguing book.
Thursday, November 13, 2003

This story was on this morning. Those punsters are at it again: “unveils,”
eh? How cute. But, think about it – have you noticed what the women in the
Wal-Mart commercials look like? Please, no. Bad images are stuck in my
head already!

Hey, what exactly is “laser-assisted cruise control?” I heard it mentioned in
a car ad that's been running over the last few days. Maybe it's a kind of civilian
Star Wars thing: if you're cruising down the road and somebody slower gets
in front of you, the laser gently zaps the driver ahead of you, so they get
out of the way...

<- I'm entering
this design in a logo competition today. Wish me luck!
Art Carney, most famous as “Ed Norton” in “The Honeymooners,”
was quietly laid to rest a few days ago. His family didn't even alert the press
until after services
were over. I think it's good they handled it that way. He received a best actor
Oscar for his role in “Harry and Tonto.” I'll have to see if I can find that
movie. I'm sure it's worth a rent.
Ray Charles
donated $1 mil. to my parents' alma mater, Dillard University.
The money will create an endowed faculty position and program devoted to
musical, culinary, artistic and linguistic contributions of African Americans. Thanks, Ray!

French-fried/half-baked word games
Remember how some congressman made a big deal over deciding to call French fries
“Freedom fries” at the height of the France-bashing over Iraq? The joke is,
French fries weren't even invented by the French. (I'm not sure that kind of kiss
was either!)
Well, I just found out that the style of film that we call Cinéma Vérité is
called Cinéma Direct in France. Both phrases come from the
Russian Kino Pravda, coined before we even had the technology to make
that style of film. Oh yeah; a Frenchman invented synch sound – one of the
most important pieces of the technology.
I'm not sure what prompted me to look this up...
but did you know that the word “epithet” is not necessarily derogatory?
1. a. A term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered in rosy-fingered
dawn or the
Great in Catherine the Great.
b. A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person,
such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.
2. An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase.
3. Biology: A word in the scientific name of an animal or plant
following the name of the genus and denoting a species, variety, or other
division of the
genus, as sativa in Lactuca sativa.
- The American Heritage Dictionary
Still, 80% of of the AHD's usage panel see the common usage of the term as
a synonym for “slur.”
Comments from a Keannoisseur
...So, if you'd just like an answer for those who are hounding you, you can
"Well I asked a girl who runs a Keanu website and spends way too much
time editing the hundreds of pictures she has on her hard drive and she said
no Keanu' but she'd totally do me if she had the chance."
Hope this helps,
[Was that too slutty?]
- from Keanuvision
You can read
the whole thread and answer her question, if you like.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Safari K-Os IE?
Microsoft is ending development of the Mac version of IE, and sharing customer
requirements info with the Safari team.
They've also updated the Mac
Windows Media player to integrate with the Safari
browser, and match
Panther release. It also supports the newer Windows media formats, so it's
worth the download.
But, maybe the move has little to do with how good Safari is – i.e., better
than IE. I just read that in June, MS also announced that they plan to cease
development of
IE as
a separate
on the
that it
will only be available as an embedded part of the Win OS. Microsoft Watch has
some interesting
November 10, 9:37 PM [phone rings]
Me: "Hello."
Phone: "This is an important public service announcement for denture
[I hang up]
You've got to be kidding me.
On IFC last night, someone said “You don't know anything about
your tribe. Your tribe is Parisian.” I think that means my tribe is New
Yorker. Or, is it Brooklynite? Breukeliner? Is tribe only about where you live?
How about Mac
User? Music Lover? Art Geek? Ivy Leaguer?
Freelancer? So many tribes to get to know.
I think there's a way out of here... all we need is a map
Nico Macdonald has an interesting article in
Eye magazine this month, about how map design may hold a key to new web interfaces.
If you can find a copy of the magazine, get a look – the online version doesn't
have illustrations. It does, however, have a rich set of links.
Al Green's
back! I
Can't Stop is scheduled for release November 18. It's described
as a “continuation” of the kind of music he was making when he was at the top
of his game in the '70s and retired to gospel music after a freakish incident
involving hot grits, a woman, and a gun. Interesting that he's on Blue Note records now. Rolling
Stone gives the CD high marks, for what that's worth. Additional
tracks in
Real and Win format at
Mothers and Inventions
be told, I haven't fired up the music store in iTunes yet, because I figure
it's like candy. 99¢ here, 99¢ there, and before you know
it, you've spent a $half-mil!
Smart and Smarter

The Smart Car was featured prominently at this year's NYC Marathon. Right
now, you can only get it in Europe, but It's a Daimler Chrysler brand, so I
figure it won't be long before it rolls out
in the US. If you want something with a little more pep, they're coming out
with a roadster, too.


vo - lan - tor (vo-lan'ter) n. A vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that
is capable of flying in a quick, nimble, and agile manner. –intr. & tr.v. -tored, -toring, tors. To go or carry by volantor. [Lat. volare, to fly. Fr.
volant, to move in a nimble and agile manner]
Looks like the flying car is more than a Johnny Quest/Blade Runner fantasy.
The Moller
Skycar is well into development – Dr. Paul Moller has been working on
the concept for the last 40 years, and he's got a working prototype. On January
the M400
its first stable, tethered, out of ground effect hover. (In other words,
they tied a rope to it, and got it to hover several feet off the ground without
crashing.) It'll have three times the speed and double the range of a helicopter. NASA
and others have
given a thumbs-up to the technology.
Moller explains: “The world is facing a transportation crisis... The
miles traveled will continue to grow; the infrastructure won't, just as we've
in the Bay area in the
past ten years. One flat tire and you're delayed five hours. They keep making
faster, more powerful cars, but the average speed of an American car is now
30 MPH.”
One more musical thing. These words from an REM tune were
running through my head-radio: “Stand in the place where you live (now face
north)...,” when it occurred to me that the music sounded like a note-for-note
match with the intro to “La Bamba.” I'll check into this.
Monday, November 10, 2003
"They should realize that the retrospect on Florida concluded Gore
won Florida... It
was stolen from the Democrats. And they should concentrate on the thieves
blunderers in Florida, not on the Green Party... I think the Democrats
can be fairly charged with chronic whining, and they ought to look at themselves
first and foremost."
- Ralph Nader as told to the Wisconsin State Journal
Meanwhile, the whining continues. This time, it's about Dean's seemingly rational decision to refuse public funding. In light of the fact that the competition isn't accepting public money and will spend like a fiend, why should Dean or any of opposing candidate submit to spending limits if they don't have to? I know campaign finance is broken. It's not likely to get fixed by next November, though, and it's a principle that's not worth losing the election over.
AREA - by Phaidon Press
100 designers, 10 curators, 10 design classics. This book, like so much from
Phaidon, looks extremely well-done.
More than simply cataloging good contemporary design,
it presents the rationale behind the designs, as well as the view of the
curator. In other words, you get the what and the why.
The web site, created by GIOSTRA
| GOMPF ain't bad, either.
“People are like monkey poo, from afar, you think, hey that doesn't
look so
bad, but as soon as you get close, you realize you're appalled.” -
Barbra Jean Loveless, online somewhere