Opening reception: Thursday, January 27th, 2005, 6:30-8:30 PM

Come on down!
The winning images of the Show
Us the Light contest, along with the judge's picks and finalists, will be on
view at the contest's co-sponsor,, in Brooklyn. The show will
remain up for viewing through mid-March. The
Positive Focus web site will also carry the images by finalists and staff picks.
(Images should be up by the opening!)
The gallery is located at 343
Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY. The windows are open 24/7 for your viewing pleasure.
You can get
directions or
preview the show by visiting
No(n) Sense of Styles
I'm grappling with styles and formatting in a large Word document that I'm
importing into inDesign. Several attempts later, I still have a mess on my
hands. The document was originally styled to be printed on legal size paper.
It has to be made to print nicely on 8.5 x 5.5 (half-letter) format. That means
scaling everything down, including making the text smaller.
One problem is that styling, including font size, was applied inconsistently
and directly in many places. As a result, I can't simply pull the text
and change the base style definitions. Then, there's the mess with tables.
After a couple of attempts, I think the approach to take, is to convert the
tables to tabs before importing.
I've fooled around in inDesign for a while this morning. I think I'm going
back to Word one more time, to see if there isn't an easier way to clean up
the styles over there before importing.
Wish me luck.
Happy Twenty-Ought-Five.

It's taken me a few days to post this entry, so it's evolved a bit since I started writing it on January 1.
The year begins with several good friends moving out of the country.
One family moved to Toronto, a city I already had reason to re-visit; now
I have another, even better reason.
I didn't go crazy with resolutions this
year. The main one is to make more art, though I don't think that phrasing
of it really
the heart of what I'm talking about. It's about shooting, editing, exploring,
reading, critiquing, and finding my way closer to an even more pure and authentic
voice and visual language. Cubism and Surrealism have both been very interesting
to me for a very long time. We'll see where that leads.
Last night, Denise and I noticed that there didn't seem to be many “year in
review” shows on TV this season. It might simply be because we watch a lot less TV than we used to, which wasn't much to begin with. Still, I wonder if it isn't because the idea has just gotten stale, or if the newsies
didn't want to rehash so many bad stories. It was a rough year, with scandal
after scandal (including Abu Grahib), Mothra going to jail, the election, and
Janet's nipple.
Here's hoping that the new year is a great one for all of us.
:: 1924 – 2005 ::
“I'd like them to say that Shirley Chisholm had guts.
That's how I'd like to be remembered.”
“I ran for the Presidency, despite hopeless odds, to demonstrate the
sheer will and refusal to accept the status quo... The next time a woman
runs, or a black, a Jew or anyone from a group that the country is 'not ready'
elect to its
highest office, I believe that he or she will be taken seriously from the start.”
- From her book “The Good Fight.”
National Women's Hall of Fame
Saw the movie “Born Into Brothels” last night.
The movie tells the story of a woman photojournalist who moved into one of
red light districts of Calcutta
and found herself involved with the children growing up there. Really, it's
the story of the kids with the woman as moderator. She instinctively got them
cameras and started teaching them photography, though she acknowledges
that she's neither a social worker nor a teacher. She discovered the often
amazing talent of the children, and the children discovered
were other ways to live than the ones they had known. The relationships grew
into a project to get several of the children into good schools — the
way out of the brothel, the only chance to break the cycle of mothers and
daughters working in “The Line,” and the only chance at a different
lot in life.
That work has evolved into the Kids
With Cameras project.
official. On 12/28, I got word that I'm a finalist in the latest Positive
Focus contest. The
theme was “Show
Us The Light,” and
the photo at left was selected. It'll be included in an upcoming show at GalleryThe.Org,
and I'll also have online gallery space at both Positive Focus and GalleryThe.
Nice way to kick off the new year. It's the first photo contest I've entered
since college!
Ten $Mil a Day for Four Days
I don't remember how many inaugural balls there will be, but it seems a bit
excessive. I mean, it's a little more than 1/10 of the amount of relief
the US has committed to the tsunami relief efforts as of 1/1. Even though
none of that cash is going to the military, the firefighters, the
police, or the people who run soup kitchens in Texas, spokespeople for the
series of galas
say these events are to honor them. Sounds a bit like calling someone a hero
they're dead. Sounds like a different take on “putting your money where
your mouth is —” I'm sure they'll all eat, drink and be merry.
Save the Date — 12/24/2012
It's the end of time/humanity, according to the Mayan calendar.
Hmmm... Trio is no longer available on DirecTV. Damn. That was a good channel...
and no more Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In! Wonder what happened.
The best thing that could happen to
a metropolis like New York would be to impose draconian rent controls on
major landlords and developers. This would
inhibit construction of the hideous and hideously expensive personal monuments
being constructed by both the public and private sectors. It would also help
maintain some kind of sensibly balanced demographic. It's currently almost
impossible for young people to live here. The people who could offer the
city their drive, imagination, and sheer joy have effectively been banished.
are rapidly becoming a metropolis of geriatric millionaires and wise-guy
carnival operators in freak-show over-stretched limos that are hazardous
to everyone's
mental, aesthetic, and physical health.
- 60 Minutes Correspondent Morley Safer in the January
'04 issue Metropolis Magazine