There was only a 10% chance of rain yesterday. I can think of a bunch of other
scenarios where I'd love it if my 10% odds came through.

Just like that, “wardrobe malfunction” becomes a buzzword.
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs...

“The Rebuilding Continues” – 7 WTC behind the PATH station

These signs are new. They make it clear that you can't use the grids in the
PATH station as a memorial shrine, and you can't hawk your cheesy 9/11 “memorial”
booklets or your religious tracts. Lucky for me, it doesn't say I can't photograph
these signs. Otherwise, I might be blogging from jail right now. I took my
snap, and kept moving.

Much as I love modern architecture, I think the old stuff still
wins most of the time.

Not speed, nor comfort
I didn't know where the bubbles were coming from at first, then I saw this
guy with his mouse bubble gun. I started focusing, and he acted like he didn't
want his picture taken at first. Then he asked “I'm not going to show up on
the cover of the Times tomorrow, am I?” After I said no, he relaxed.

His buddy came along a minute later, and said I should take pics of both of
them. The dealmaker of the two, he asked for a print.

The guy on the left spotted my camera, and said “Hey! Take our picture!” He
was a dealmaker too. He figured I had to be shooting for a newspaper or a magazine,
and took the time to pitch their custom water business.

They offer a special water filtration and bottling system - they put your
logo on the bottle, and you can fill the bottles on site with either carbonated
or still water. There's also a sterilizing bottle washer. Now, if they can
just get a few restaurants to bite...


Skye was a dancer who moved into the visual arts. These days, he only does
these wire “sculptures,” which are as much 3-D drawings, as they are sculptures.
He forms them by hand from a single piece of wire, then “signs” them with another
The day I took this picture, he did a portrait from memory. A woman brought
her son over to meet Skye, and he stood around just long enough for Skye to
get a good look. A while later, the woman came back and happily picked-up her
new portrait.


Granny's medicine bottle finds new life