Saturday, September 13, 2003

Maxon Crumb, brother of Robert Crumb, has a book out called “HardCore Mother.”
This looks like an amazing piece - artwork
and fiction all in one.
Oh, and Rageboy's been busy turning spam into art, and talking
about it (art, that is).
Art, the Web and dialogue

A small detail of thelonegunman's collage
September 10: An artist calling himself “thelonegunman” posts
a provocative piece of art on a website, and adds a little rant in his comment.
Here's a piece of what he said:
...people died. a terrorist some people call president goes out and kills
innocent people. nothing changes.
though i don't have an answer, i am pointing out the problem. the problem
is a fake war on terrorism, the problem is the patriot act, the problem is
people believing what they are told and not searching out the truth, or the
cause of why someone would fly a plane into a building.
the answer is not more dead bodies. if you are going to find one, it involves
more information, not less. ...
A right-winger lashes back: “Land of the free? Whoever told you
that is your enemy!” A fascinating thread follows, with numerous points of
view from a number of different countries. A true international conversation.
View the
whole piece/read the thread
A pattern of misrepresentation
9/11/03: "We know [Iraq] had a great deal to do with terrorism in general
and with al-Qaida in particular, and we know a great many of bin Laden's
lieutenants are now trying to organize in cooperation with old loyalists
from the Saddam regime to attack in Iraq."
9/13/03: "Zarqawi is actually the guy I was referring to - should
have been more precise. It's not a great many - it's one
of bin Laden's key associates - probably better referred to that way than
a key lieutenant."
- Paul Wolfowitz
From: Warren
Re: Yahoo! News Story - Antarctic Ozone Hole Biggest Ever
10.81 MILLION square miles.
10.81 million SQUARE MILES.
Look who's hiring

Ad on the job board
Friday, September 12, 2003
Back Atcha Good to have Seal back
on the scene with new stuff after five years. He said he was
two years into creating the album, and didn't like where it was heading, so
whole thing,
to London,
and started
over. Then, he went back to L.A. and teamed up with Trevor Horn to finish the
thing. You can hear the album online. They've set up a streaming player in
Flash. Click one of the “Launch Seal Player” links, and it opens in a new window.
I'm also liking “Tinsel Town,” “Where There's Gold,” and
“Let Me Roll.”
The “Waiting for You” video is on the site too. Looks like it
was mostly shot in two locations – on Broadway, just north of Houston;
and at the
southern tip of New York State Plaza, near the ferry. The shots
are tight most of the time, but there's one time that the camera pulls back
and you get enough of the facade of the Broadway building to locate it, and
that inverted pyramid lamp at the Plaza is very recognizable.
Seal was on the Today Show this morning. The camera crew didn't do a very
good job. There were a couple of good shots of Seal from a
low angle
behind him, but it got monotonous after a while, and the other
musicians didn't get much coverage at all. You couldn't get much of a sense
of the connection between the musicians and the
I caught several glimpses of what looked like two digital audio workstations
attached to the keyboards. When Seal sang “Crazy,” I heard one thing that they
were used for: Seal had sampled his own backing vocals, so that the keyboard
player could trigger them as needed.
Odd thing – right in the middle of “Crazy,”
NBC went to commercials. I'd never seen that with any other act. They came
back from the break just in time to hear Seal wrap up the last few bars of
the song. I couldn't help but think they'd directed him to stretch through
the break.
We have a new Poet
Laureate. Her name is Louise
Glück. Check out some of her essays
on poetry here.
At a poetry workshop last night, we did an analysis of “The
Architect at his Mountain Villa” by Clive Willmer. This is good stuff.
The crafting is exceptional, and the poem works on many levels. Bonus: the
page features several other poems by Willmer and a brief bio.
RIP Johnny Cash and John Ritter.
Friendly fire
FALLUJAH, Iraq - U.S. soldiers mistakenly opened fire on a group of Iraqi
policemen chasing bandits Friday, killing eight policemen and wounding seven
other Iraqis...
Mmm hmm. That's what I call a public-relations coup.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Sweeping Moral Victory...
for the record industry. I'm sure this
is just the sort of publicity that helps RIAA sell records: nailing a
12-year-old who lives in a housing project with
her single mom for $2000. Nicely put by Bill Barol.
I debated whether I wanted to post these pictures. For the last couple of days,
I've been seeing replays of the towers falling on TV, and it reminds me of
an eloquent
post on Baghdad Burning:
September 11 was a tragedy. Not because 3,000 Americans died… but
because 3,000 humans died. I was reading about the recorded telephone conversations
of victims and their families on September 11. I thought it was… awful,
and perfectly timed. Just when people are starting to question the results
and incentives behind this occupation, they are immediately bombarded with
reminders of September 11. Never mind Iraq had nothing to do with it.
The last thing I want to do, is continue to feed into the paranoia and resentment
connected with the events of that day. It saddens me, the way this tragedy
is being used to justify and cover up so many things that are going wrong in
now; just as it was used to fulfill the long-standing aims of the Project for
the New American Century – as spelled-out in a letter to President Clinton way
back in 1998. If the language in that letter sounds familiar, it should
come as no surprise. Take a look at the cast of characters at the bottom of
their statement
of principles. (Dan Quayle! You mean that guy's not dead?)
It boggles my mind that people are buying the notion
of a connection between Saddam and the attacks. It amazes me that this President
can now declare
as the primary front for terrorism in the world, but I digress.
I'm sharing these images because there are a millions, no more like several
billions, of personal experiences of that day, and I find value in each person's account. I'm sharing these because the event was more than
shocking close-up images of planes crashing into the towers, or watching them
collapse. Much of that day's story could only be seen by looking around, not up at the cloud. That day represented a collective awakening - a signal that perhaps
something was very wrong.

As it was for many, my experience of 9/11 started with the television. Even
though the towers were only about three miles from my apartment, I watched
the coverage on TV, never expecting them to collapse. A short while after the
collapse of the second tower, it occurred to me that it was ridiculous to experience
something as historic as this – and happening in my own back yard – through
the distorted filter of TV news. I grabbed my camera, and set out walking toward
the towers...

Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn. Still at least two miles from the
towers. That dust and smoke plume would hang over everything for many weeks.

Fulton Avenue, near Jay Street. Buses were lined up back to back for blocks,
and they were packed. From this picture, you really can't appreciate how many
people were crowding the streets.

Near the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. This was one of the first of the masked
people I saw.

People would walk off the bridge, holding dust-covered
umbrellas. They were well out of the area of falling dust, but never thought
to close those umbrellas.

Police were trying to keep people from crossing the Brooklyn
Bridge into Manhattan. I walked up the service road to get a closer look. Others
gotten the same idea. Standing there, I spotted a way onto the bridge...

Several dust people came across the bridge,
their hair, faces, and clothes transformed. Only now, are we starting to find
out what was in that dust. A neighbor of ours spent considerable time in the
dust during the first days of the tragedy.
said clumps
of her
hair fell out in the shower when she got home that first night.
When I got to the far side of the Brooklyn Bridge, Police were turning people
back. I headed back across the bridge, toward the Brooklyn Heights Promenade,
where I'd last stood and gazed toward the towers at sunset on September 9,

There seemed to be TV and newspaper cameras
everywhere around the Promenade. Time and time again, a reporter would shove
a microphone into someone's face and say something like "Tell us what you saw,"
or, "What did it feel like?"

The patriotic displays were spontaneous, and
immediate. This guy literally wrapped himself in the flag.

As the day wore on, people's energy began
to sag, and the enormity of what was happening began to show on people's faces.

A passenger riding the bus home that evening.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Hobgoblin of Little Minds
A bunch of virus-looking messages have been getting past Earthlink's spaminator
and the junk mail filter in my Apple Mail to reach my in-box over the last
days. The messages have subjects like "Thanks!," "Your details," "Re: That
movie," "Re: wicked screensaver," etc. The virus is also spoofing my e-mail
address from the machine(s) that is infected, so every once in a while I
get a message telling me
some e-mail
"I" supposedly sent was infected with a virus. I haven't checked the known
spam bin at Earthlink, but I've probably been getting 30-50 messages of this
each day for the past 3 days or so. That's definitely an up tick from earlier.
I think I know the source: the host computer for a company that I did
some subcontracting work for may be infected. I deduce that by the "To" address
used in most, if not all of the messages I've received. Also, that company's
mail host was down for an extended period a couple of days ago – perhaps they
were trying to deal with the problem then. So far, it hasn't worked.
Apparently, the culprit is the SoBig.F worm that's still making its way around
the Internet. So Big... is that the creator's ego talking? Perhaps the usual
compensation – the guy can't afford an expensive penis-shaped car, so he sits
down and writes a virus instead...? He doesn't have a girlfriend, but he dreams
of a woman cooing "Ooh, it's So Big..." You get the picture.
Since I'm running Mac OS X, I figure I'm only susceptible to Unix worms, since
it won't run Windows Executables, and I barely ever run Virtual PC. I'm also
not running Outlook, which is a major culprit in propagating these nasty
bugs. One other potentially big problem is Word macro viruses, but I rarely
get Word files from anyone else, and I often open them in AppleWorks. Finally,
the other major attack point for these critters is Microsoft's SQL Server,
also not
some confirmation
of this via
Technofile, which says flat out that the worms can't attack Macs.
I still think there are some Unix worms out there, that my machine
might be susceptible to. But an interesting thing is going on: There are so
few viruses written for Macs right now, that there appear to be no freeware
apps being made – there's just no market for them. Norton and Virex make products
that run on OS X, but I'm not so sure they're scanning for much. In
other words, they're working pretty much like any other insurance.
A patch released by Microsoft to fix a critical security vulnerability in
its Internet Explorer browser does not work, according to security experts.
More on CNET
Good for Laughs
“Finally, a candidate who can explain the Bush administration's positions
on civil liberties in the original German.” - Bill Maher, on Schwarzenegger
running for Governor
“Just like Europe, this country has a social safety net as well. Only we call
it 'prison.'” -
Bill Maher
“They're saying Arnold will get 95% of the vote. At least according to his
brother, Jeb Schwarzenegger.” -
Craig Kilborn
“President Bush has been silent on Schwarzenegger. Of course, he can't pronounce
Schwarzenegger.” -
David Letterman
“Well, we're all excited because President Bush has started his 35-day vacation.
He's down there in Crawford, Texas and on the first day of his vacation he
went fishing. He didn't find any fish but he believes they're there and that
his intelligence is accurate.” -
David Letterman
“President Bush's economic team is now on their 'Jobs and Growth' bus tour
all across America. I think the only job they created so far is for the guy
driving the bus.” -
Jay Leno
“The United States is putting together a Constitution now for Iraq. Why don't
we just give them ours? It's served well for 200 years, and we don't appear
to be using it anymore, so what the hell?” -
Jay Leno
The Blank Check
Although administration officials have blamed Iraq's poor infrastructure
for some of the unanticipated costs, $65.5 billion of the $87-billion request
earmarked for military operations — including in Afghanistan — not
Pentagon officials said Tuesday that of the $87 billion the administration
is seeking, $65.5 billion would go to support military operations in Iraq.
That is $14.5 billion more than the White House estimate released Monday.
Specific line items were not detailed, but the general breakdown listed
$32.3 billion for "day-to-day" operations, $18.5 billion to cover
military personnel costs, $2.2 billion for coalition partners, $3.3 billion
for depot
maintenance, $1.9 million to buy armor and other equipment, $600,000 for
health care, $400,000 for military construction and $6.3 billion in classified
other expenses.
- LA
Times Report [Requires registration]
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
No news is no news
Well, I just got confirmation about the job I interviewed for a couple of
weeks ago, and was most interested in – they selected someone else. The guy
said the person they
matched the job description perfectly. Translation: I was overqualified (and
possibly too old). I'm not good
at pretending to know less than I do, but I might do well to learn how.
::: is a street
photography site. The Picture of the Month section has some fascinating images.
Check out
September (charming,
isn't it?), May,
2002, and January,
2002. The navigation is a bit goofy in the individual photographers' sections.
Two little semicircular "ears" appear at the margins of the main area, containing
left and right navigation triangles. If you don't look for them, you can miss
since they're not associated with any of the other navigation.
Some of my latest creations in Photoshop:

Monday, September 08, 2003
Oh yeah, in case you're keeping track, I'm not at the ColdFusion course today. It got postponed.

I think this is what happens when the Pentagon Press Release department decides
that no news is good news, and boy do we need some good news.
More pix from Saturday
This guy was downtown on West Broadway playing Dobro. Never said a word. He
let his music do the talkin'.

The record industry has already filed 261 lawsuits (and counting) against
file swappers...
The Dems eye their own hawk...
As if the field isn't goofy or confused enough, some Dems are trying to get
retired 4-Star General Wesley Clark to run for President too. Check out this
Although Clark was raised in Arkansas, he was born in Chicago just like candidate
Carol Moseley Braun. And even though Clark grew up a Baptist and converted
to Catholicism, his father was Jewish like candidate Joe Lieberman...
Yipee. A man of (all?) the people. He probably has an African-American aunt,
87 Billion + 79 Billion = 166 Billion and counting...
I think there's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza.
Where's the beef?
Schwarzenegger is running around using phrases like “Game over” and “Hasta
la vista, baby” in his campaign appearances. John Stewart has it right
when he says Arnold will be up to “Kiss my grits” soon. Still,
I don't hear a lot about what he's going to do, or how he's going to fix things
It takes more
than a sound bite.
Sunday, September 07, 2003
This is going to be a long post. It's actually two or three days' posts combined into one...

Hello, Blogger...??!!
Looks like the boys at Pyra had their hands full yesterday morning. Blogger kept
rejecting my login all morning, so I couldn't post. I checked,
and didn't see anything about login problems. I kept trying. When I was finally
able to login, I clicked on my blog link, and got a very detailed
listing (a small fragment is shown above), and no joy. A short while later, I checked again,
to find a brand new message about login problems posted. I supposed I'd get
to post this message some time; just not right then.
I was at the Apple Store in SoHo yesterday. They've got two G5s on display
now. I played around with Photoshop, and tried to find some effects that would
make the processor work. I couldn't find anything that would bog it down. That's
sweet. It's one thing to read how quiet it is, it's another to experience it.
Several people came by and said “Wow! I can do hard disk recording without
trying to EQ out the fan noise!” They also put a firewire port and a USB port
right on the front. That's a very good idea. The one thing that surprised me,
is how big the case is.
New York City...
Overheard on the street today: A girl is explaining the large grates you see
in the sidewalks near subway lines this way – “...They're rat cages, so you
can see the giant rats that live under the sidewalks...”
Browsing the bookstore yesterday, I heard a really nice blues groove, and
a woman singing “New
York City – such a beautiful disease...” it was, well,
infectious. I googled the lyric, and found out it was Norah
The song is part of an E.P. released in June. They'll probably fix the press
release some time, so I took a screen shot: Look at the date; what, are they
thinking ahead?

New Yorkers always ask the hard questions

Uh,what? If you look up valence in
the dictionary, you'll find it relates to chemistry, psychology, and linguistics.
This definition from the American Heritage dictionary seems to be most relevant:
The capacity of something to unite, react, or interact with something else: “I
do not claim to know much more about novels than the writing of them, but I
cannot imagine one set in the breathing world which lacks any moral valence” (Robert
But, what about this fare reference? Does Franken talk about subways in his
book? Then they have to go and drag Jesus into the thing...
Tell me the picture below doesn't remind you of the enclosure for a tower

Next time you're in midtown, don't forget to
look up

Bank branch openings always have been a bit
of a circus

Watch your step

Hard times require good shoes

Even cheap bikes have it rough here, sometimes
As girls go
It's that
same afternoon that I heard the Norah Jones tune, and I'm at a poetry reading
at the Ear Inn. An attractive woman with gorgeous breasts, clad in
an attention-getting
blouse and blue
right up to the men's room, and enters without a pause. A friend of mine and
I exchange quizzical glances, and go back to listening. A few moments later,
a man emerges. His eyebrows flutter reflexively as he realizes that people
know he had to be in there when the woman entered. Several minutes later, the lady
comes out.
The men's room has a urinal and a single toilet stall with ill-fitting louvered
shutters. I imagine the man facing the urinal, member in hand as the woman enters. I wonder
about her willingness to squeeze past him to use the stall. Then, I wonder if she's a woman at
all; certainly many would say she's no lady...
American Effect” at the Whitney
is a fascinating show. We spent about 2-1/2 hours taking it in, and that really
wasn't enough. The show demonstrates the power of art to communicate in ways
that other forms simply cannot. While the theme of the artwork is the effects
of American politics and globalism from the perspective of the rest of the
world, the show is hardly shrill or a one-trick pony.
Two of the most striking exhibits showed photographs of a little-known test
bombing range in South Korea, and piles of computer junk shipped to China.
Another highlighted an old Chrysler ad explaining why “it's time for
Imperial.” You feel close-up and experience the dramatic tension of the
battle of Little Big Horn among over-sized statues that you can walk among
in one final exhibit. The faces seem alive, and very much frightened. The bodies
are contorted, and seem to be suspended in air.
“Wanting to command a rising and contentious debate, President Bush
will address the nation Sunday on the war on terrorism and efforts to stabilize
Iraq. ...
A Washington Post poll out Saturday said 69 percent of
Americans believe it likely that ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was personally
involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks by the al-Qaida. The belief
in the connection persists even though there has been no proof of a link
between the two.”
- A.P. report
That's what I'd call success in marketing. Magicians have a technique they
call misdirection. They do something to draw your attention to what they're
doing with one hand, so you can't see what the other is doing. They also cover
a lot of things with curtains.
Not quite a “where were you” moment
I had zero interest in watching the MTV music awards this year. All those pictures
of music stars with giant papier maché heads did nothing for me, though
I did
some of the graffiti that adorned those posters.
So, I was a bit surprised to find out today that a small firestorm had erupted
over Madonna
swapping spit with Britney Spears on stage.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
ran a postage stamp sized picture of the kiss on the front cover and got hate
mail. One letter went so far as to connect what some would call a lesbian kiss
on TV
to “...[the] high teen pregnancy rate, low SAT scores, children out of
wedlock and the rising cases of AIDS...” and suggested that the paper
takes no responsibility for their role in encouraging such behavior. (Imagine
what the writer has to
say about shows like Will & Grace and Boy Meets Boy!!!) The Managing Editor
We have a high standard of presentation that is in line with community sensibilities,
and we have filters that work to maintain those standards. The difficulty comes
when news turns ugly, horrid, profane or provocative in some other way that
might offend community sensibilities.
During the war in Iraq, it happened a lot, and in the name of presenting
a truthful, full account of the war, our filter got tested and stretched a
We ran images we otherwise might not have run. But that was war, and war
was news.
The photo we ran Friday was neither, and I wish I had limited its display
to the inside of the Living section.
We want the paper to be appropriate to the widest possible readership at
the same time that we want it to deliver a straightforward accounting
of the big
news, the talk of the town, from the day before. That is sometimes a
tricky balance, and we spend a lot of time seeking that balance while not being
afraid of the news.
Usually, I think, we do this well. With this photo, we did not.
Managing Editor for News
What the heck is this letter saying? What does “neither” refer to – “ugly,
horrid, profane or provocative?” Or, is it a reference to war vs. news? – Except,
he says war is news. Then he goes on to make it clear that he would
have run the photo no matter what... Why? Because it is provocative and sells
But sometime in Bush's middle years, his id was captured, shackled
and manacled,
and locked away...
Authoritarian personalities are organised around rabid hostility to "legitimate" targets,
often ones nominated by their parents' prejudices. Intensely moralistic,
they direct it towards despised social groups. As people, they avoid introspection
or loving displays, preferring toughness and cynicism. They regard others
suspicion, attributing ulterior motives to the most innocent behaviour. They
are liable to be superstitious...
more on how the American President became a reckless rebel with a death
wish, by Oliver James, psychologist and author of “They
F*** You Up; How to Survive Family Life”
Make your pet really happy. Get 'em their
own SUV!
The SUV is perfect for strolling down a country lane, around town on a city
sidewalk, up a marked hiking trail, or a breezy jaunt along the shoreline providing
a safe and airy method of transportation.
Chris has been a big fan of RSS and news aggregators for a while now. Bet
he's drooling over FeedDemon. Too bad it's only for 'Doze.
Meanwhile, the makers of Movable Type have launched TypePad,
a hosted blogging platform.
Click to enlarge

Wow. A dream come true. Dewey must have satisfied customers all over the world.
What's with the gibberish, though? Gotta love spam when it's entertaining.
OK, maybe not.
